Best Acne Treatment

These are realistic results from using Accutane

These are realistic results from using Accutane

If you have moderate to severe acne there is only thing that is going to be a cure, and that’s the drug Accutane. For strange reasons, it has been made harder to obtain in the U.S. but it works. I was on Accutane for a year, did not suffer any side effects except dryness of the eyes (which got better once I was off it). It left my blemished skin clean and clear permanently. My girlfriend got the same amazing results when she used it. Accutane is a wonder drug for acne.

Birth control pills are another way to fight acne. Acne is caused by bacterial infections in oil clogged pores. The oil is from an abundance of hormones. This is why you don’t see elderly people with blemishes. Note that the pill can cause acne. If you get acne from the pill this means that particular birth control pill is the wrong formula for you. They have different formulas available to try.

There are other treatments for acne than drugs you have to take. Basic things to do are 1) change your pillow case daily. 2) Get a Clarisonic skin brush and use the brush designed for acne or get their Deep Pore Cleansing Solution. See my review of that skin brush here. 3) Use the Oxy products. 4) Try a topical prescription drugs to use for acne, like ACZONE® (dapsone) Gel 5%. For ingrown hairs use Tend Skin or No Bump.

Blue Light Therapy might work for you. I haven’t tried it myself, but I’ve seen people at my medi-spa using it and it worked to clear their skin up. Tria sells an at-home use model called the Skin Perfecting Blue Light.

apa-101_med2aPhilips sells one for $135. It’s called the Philips Hf3321/60 Golite.

I don’t know if these at home blue lights work, and I don’t know if the Proactive System works.

If you’re on a tight budget, try the new facial cleanser Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser. See my review of it here. Biore has a great skin care line created to fight acne.